RLA Mastery Guarantees
STAAR® RLA Mastery Guarantees
3rd-5th Grade Versions
We Guarantee that all Students will pass the annual RLA STAAR® Assessment as measured by the RLA STAAR® PLD (Performance Level Descriptor – Approaches, Meets, and Masters). OR, we will provide an HB1416 Accelerated Instruction course at no charge.
To qualify for the Guarantee, the following conditions must be met:
1. Purchase the RLA STAAR® Mastery course for all students districtwide OR schoolwide for each course purchased (3rd-5th).
2. Purchase Professional Development, including Professional Learning Coaching Sessions.
3. Students must complete the following RLA Progress Monitoring Benchmarks and Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs) prior to the administration of the RLA STAAR® Assessment:
- Pre-test and PLP #1
- Interim Focus on Fiction and PLP #2
- Interim Non-Literary and PLP #3
- Interim Mixed Genres and PLP #4
- Summative and PLP #5
4. Program Implementation must begin no later than November 1st of the School Year in which the Guarantee would apply.
STAAR® RLA Mastery Guarantees
6th-8th Grade and English I/II Versions
We Guarantee that all Students will pass the annual RLA STAAR® Assessment as measured by the RLA STAAR® PLD (Performance Level Descriptor – Approaches, Meets, and Masters). OR, we will provide an HB1416 Accelerated Instruction course at no charge.
To qualify for the Guarantee, the following conditions must be met:
1. Purchase the RLA STAAR® Mastery OR STAAR® EOC Mastery course for all students districtwide OR schoolwide for each course purchased (6th-8th, English I, English II).
2. Purchase Professional Development, including Professional Learning Coaching Sessions.
3. Students must complete the following RLA Progress Monitoring Benchmarks and Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs) prior to the administration of the RLA STAAR® and STAAR® EOC Assessment:
- Pre-test and PLP #1
- Interim #1 and PLP #2
- Interim #2 and PLP #3
- Summative and PLP #4
4. Program Implementation must begin no later than November 1st of the School Year in which the Guarantee would apply.
Science STAAR® and STAAR® EOC Guarantees
STAAR® Science Mastery Guarantees
5th and 8th Grade Versions
We Guarantee that all Students will pass the annual Science STAAR® Assessment as measured by the Science STAAR® PLD (Performance Level Descriptor – Approaches, Meets, and Masters). OR, we will provide an HB1416 Accelerated Instruction course at no charge.
To qualify for the Guarantee, the following conditions must be met:
1. Purchase the Science STAAR® Mastery course for all 5th or 8th Grade students district wide OR school wide for all 5th or 8th Grade students.
2. Purchase Professional Development, including Professional Learning Coaching Sessions.
3. Students must complete the following Science STAAR® Readiness Practice Test and STAAR® Review Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) prior to the administration of the Science STAAR® Assessment:
- STAAR® Practice Test and Personalized Learning Plan
4. Program Implementation must begin no later than January 15th of the School Year in which the Guarantee would apply.