Built By Texas
Educators For
Texas Educators
Built By Texas
Educators For
Texas Educators
Built for Texas
3rd-5th Grade & 6th-8th Grade Mastery & STAAR® Review –
High School Biology & STAAR® EOC Review
Learning science takes exploration. Mastering TEKS takes practice. The Summit K12 Science Mastery and STAAR Review Program, which includes Concept Boosters™ and Vocabulary Boosters™ for Science, provides interactive video lessons and tutorials developed to the Science TEKS.
Use the program with grades 3-8 and high school biology for whole-class instruction — in person or remote — and then assign skills practice and video tutorials to support each individual student’s pathway to mastery. Our patented 5th and 8th grade STAAR and Biology EOC Review process is so effective we guarantee a 100% STAAR passing rate for all students OR a Science Domain 1 score of 60% or better for your campus!
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